test tag
0, 'dups' => 0); $tag_array = explode(',', $tags); for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($tag_array); $i++) { if(insert_tag(str_replace('"', '', trim($tag_array[$i])), $topic_id)){ $outcome['added']++; }else{ $outcome['dups']++; } } return $outcome; } function insert_tag($tag, $topic_id){ global $db; $sql_array = array('tag' => $tag, 'topic_id' => $topic_id); if(trim($tag) == '') { //exit right away return false; } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TAGS_TABLE . " WHERE " . $db->sql_build_array('SELECT', $sql_array); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); if($row != null) { return false; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TAGS_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $sql_array); $db->sql_query($sql); return true; } } function get_board_tags($limit){ global $db, $config, $auth; $sql = "SELECT t.*, topics.forum_id FROM " . TAGS_TABLE . " t JOIN " . TOPICS_TABLE . " topics ON t.topic_id = topics.topic_id "; $sql = get_cloud_sort($sql); if($limit > 0){ $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $limit, 0); }else{ $result = $db->sql_query($sql); } /* for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_set); $i++){ $tag_array[$result_set[$i]['tag']] = $result_set[$i]['tag_count']; } * */ $tag_list = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)){ // Do not include those topics the user has no permission to access if ($auth->acl_get('f_read', $row['forum_id'])){ if(isset($tag_list[$row['tag']])){ $tag_list[$row['tag']] += 1; }else{ $tag_list[$row['tag']] = 1; } } } return $tag_list; } function get_topic_tags($topic_id, $limit){ global $db, $config, $auth; $sql = "SELECT t.*, topics.forum_id FROM " . TAGS_TABLE . " t JOIN " . TOPICS_TABLE . " topics ON t.topic_id = topics.topic_id - "; + WHERE t.topic_id = " . (int)$topic_id; $sql = get_cloud_sort($sql); if($limit > 0){ $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $limit, 0); }else{ $result = $db->sql_query($sql); } $tag_list = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)){ // Do not include those topics the user has no permission to access if ($auth->acl_get('f_read', $row['forum_id'])){ if(isset($tag_list[$row['tag']])){ $tag_list[$row['tag']] += 1; }else{ $tag_list[$row['tag']] = 1; } } } return $tag_list; } function get_cloud_sort($sql){ global $config; switch($config['ptt_tag_sort']){ case 'random': $sql .= " ORDER BY RAND()"; break; case 'popular': $sql .= ' ORDER BY tag_count DESC'; break; case 'alphabetical': default: $sql .= " ORDER BY t.tag"; break; } return $sql; } function get_tag_cloud($min_size, $max_size, $col1, $col2, $limit){ global $phpEx, $user, $config, $phpbb_root_path; $tags = get_board_tags($limit); if(sizeof($tags) > 0){ $min_count = min(array_values($tags)); $max_count = max(array_values($tags)); $spread = $max_count - $min_count; if($spread == 0){ $spread = 1; } $tag_cloud = ''; $cTools = new ColourTools(); $gradient = $cTools->gradient($col1, $col2, $max_count); foreach ($tags as $tag => $count) { $size = $min_size + ($count - $min_count) * ($max_size - $min_size) / $spread; $tag_param = $tag; if(strpos($tag, ' ') !== false){ $tag_param = '"' . urlencode($tag) . '"'; } $tag_cloud .= ' ' . $tag . ' '; } }else{ $tag_cloud = false; } return $tag_cloud; } function get_tag_list($topic_id, $limit, $type = 'topic', $admin = false){ global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $user; $tag_list = ""; $tags = get_topic_tags($topic_id, $limit); if(sizeof($tags) > 0) { foreach ($tags as $tag => $count) { $tag_param = $tag; if(strpos($tag, ' ') !== false) { $tag_param = '"' . urlencode($tag) . '"'; } if($admin){ //$tag_list .= '     '; } $tag_list .= '' . $tag . ', '; } $tag_list = substr($tag_list, 0, -2); } else { $tag_list = false; } return $tag_list; } /* USED FOR DIFFERENT TAGS DEPENDING ON WETHER IT SHOULD BE BOARD, TOPIC, FROUM. NEEDS RE WORKING function get_topic_tags($type = 'board', $id = 0, $limit = 60){ //TODO: santize input global $db; switch($type){ case 'forum': //forum sql $sql = "SELECT t.tag, COUNT(*) tag_count FROM " . TAGS_TABLE . " t, " . TOPICS_TABLE . " topics WHERE topics.forum_id = $id AND t.topic_id = topics.topic_id GROUP BY t.tag"; break; case 'topic': //topic sql $sql = "SELECT t.tag, COUNT(*) tag_count FROM " . TAGS_TABLE . " t WHERE t.topic_id = $id GROUP BY t.tag"; break; case 'board': default: //board sql $sql = "SELECT t.tag, COUNT(*) tag_count FROM " . TAGS_TABLE . " t GROUP BY t.tag"; } if($limit > 0){ $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $limit, 0); }else{ $result = $db->sql_query($sql); } $result_set = $db->sql_fetchrowset($result); $tag_array = array(); for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_set); $i++) { $tag_array[$result_set[$i]['tag']] = $result_set[$i]['tag_count']; } return $tag_array; } function get_tag_list($topic_id, $limit, $type = 'topic', $admin = false){ global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $user; $tag_list = ""; $tags = get_topic_tags($type, $topic_id, $limit); if(sizeof($tags) > 0) { foreach ($tags as $tag => $count) { $tag_param = $tag; if(strpos($tag, ' ') !== false) { $tag_param = '"' . $tag . '"'; } if($admin){ $tag_list .= '     '; } $tag_list .= '' . $tag . ', '; } $tag_list = substr($tag_list, 0, -2); } else { $tag_list = false; } return $tag_list; } function get_tag_cloud($type = 'board', $id = -1, $min_size = 8, $max_size = 26, $limit = 60){ global $phpEx, $user, $config; $tags = get_topic_tags($type, $id, $limit); if(sizeof($tags) > 0) { $min_count = min(array_values($tags)); $max_count = max(array_values($tags)); $spread = $max_count - $min_count; if($spread == 0) { $spread = 1; } $cTools = new ColourTools(); $gradient = $cTools->gradient($config['ptt_colour1'], $config['ptt_colour2'], $max_count); foreach ($tags as $tag => $count) { $size = $min_size + ($count - $min_count) * ($max_size - $min_size) / $spread; $tag_param = $tag; if(strpos($tag, ' ') !== false) { $tag_param = '"' . $tag . '"'; } $tag_cloud .= ' ' . $tag . ' '; } } else { $tag_cloud = false; } return $tag_cloud; } */ function get_num_rows($tags){ global $db, $config, $auth; $end = $config['topics_per_page']; $tag_array = filter_tags($tags); $sql = "SELECT topi.topic_id, topi.forum_id, topi.topic_type, topi.topic_replies_real, topi.topic_replies, topi.topic_status, topi.topic_moved_id, topi.topic_last_post_time, topi.topic_approved, topi.topic_poster, topi.topic_first_poster_name, topi.topic_time, topi.topic_last_post_subject, topi.topic_last_post_time, topi.topic_last_poster_id, topi.topic_views, topi.topic_title, topi.icon_id, topi.poll_start, topi.topic_attachment, topi.topic_first_poster_name, COUNT(topi.topic_id) count FROM ". TAGS_TABLE ." t, ". TOPICS_TABLE ." topi"; if(!empty($tag_array['include'])){ $sql .= " WHERE (t.tag IN ("; $sql .= prepare_search_string($tag_array['include']); $sql .= "))"; } if(!empty($tag_array['include']) && !empty($tag_array['exclude'])){ $sql .= " AND "; }else if(empty($tag_array['include']) && !empty($tag_array['exclude'])){ $sql .= " WHERE "; } if(!empty($tag_array['exclude'])){ $sql .= " (topi.topic_id NOT IN ( SELECT top2.topic_id FROM ". TAGS_TABLE ." t2, ". TOPICS_TABLE ." top2 WHERE t2.topic_id = top2.topic_id"; $sql .= prep_exclusion_string($tag_array['exclude']); $sql .= "))"; } $sql .= "AND topi.topic_id = t.topic_id GROUP BY topi.topic_id, topi.forum_id, topi.topic_type, topi.topic_replies_real, topi.topic_replies, topi.topic_status, topi.topic_moved_id, topi.topic_last_post_time, topi.topic_approved, topi.topic_poster, topi.topic_first_poster_name, topi.topic_time, topi.topic_last_post_subject, topi.topic_last_post_time, topi.topic_last_poster_id, topi.topic_views, topi.topic_title, topi.icon_id, topi.poll_start, topi.topic_attachment, topi.topic_first_poster_name ORDER BY count DESC"; if(!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Error retrieving search results', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $topic_list = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)){ // Do not include those topics the user has no permission to access if ($auth->acl_get('f_read', $row['forum_id'])){ $topic_list[] = $row; } } return sizeof($topic_list); } function search_tags($tags, $start = 0, $end = false){ global $db, $config, $auth; $topics_count = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('num_topics'); if($end === false){ $end = $config['topics_per_page']; } $tag_array = filter_tags($tags); $sql = "SELECT topi.topic_id, topi.forum_id, topi.topic_type, topi.topic_replies_real, topi.topic_replies, topi.topic_status, topi.topic_moved_id, topi.topic_last_post_time, topi.topic_approved, topi.topic_poster, topi.topic_first_poster_name, topi.topic_time, topi.topic_last_post_subject, topi.topic_last_post_time, topi.topic_last_poster_id, topi.topic_views, topi.topic_title, topi.icon_id, topi.topic_attachment, topi.topic_first_poster_name, topi.topic_last_post_id, topi.topic_last_poster_id, topi.topic_last_poster_name, topi.topic_last_poster_colour, topi.topic_last_post_subject, topi.topic_last_post_time, topi.topic_last_view_time, topi.poll_start, COUNT(topi.topic_id) count FROM ". TAGS_TABLE ." t, ". TOPICS_TABLE ." topi"; if(!empty($tag_array['include'])){ $sql .= " WHERE (t.tag IN ("; $sql .= prepare_search_string($tag_array['include']); $sql .= "))"; } if(!empty($tag_array['include']) && !empty($tag_array['exclude'])){ $sql .= " AND "; }else if(empty($tag_array['include']) && !empty($tag_array['exclude'])){ $sql .= " WHERE "; } if(!empty($tag_array['exclude'])){ $sql .= "(topi.topic_id NOT IN ( SELECT top2.topic_id FROM ". TAGS_TABLE ." t2, ". TOPICS_TABLE ." top2 WHERE t2.topic_id = top2.topic_id"; $sql .= prep_exclusion_string($tag_array['exclude']); $sql .= "))"; } $sql .= "AND topi.topic_id = t.topic_id GROUP BY topi.topic_id, topi.forum_id, topi.topic_type, topi.topic_replies_real, topi.topic_replies, topi.topic_status, topi.topic_moved_id, topi.topic_last_post_time, topi.topic_approved, topi.topic_poster, topi.topic_first_poster_name, topi.topic_time, topi.topic_last_post_subject, topi.topic_last_post_time, topi.topic_last_poster_id, topi.topic_views, topi.topic_title, topi.icon_id, topi.topic_attachment, topi.topic_first_poster_name, topi.topic_last_post_id, topi.topic_last_poster_id, topi.topic_last_poster_name, topi.topic_last_poster_colour, topi.topic_last_post_subject, topi.topic_last_post_time, topi.topic_last_view_time ORDER BY topic_time DESC"; if(!($result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $end, $start))) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Error retrieving search results', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $topic_list = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)){ // Do not include those topics the user has no permission to access if ($auth->acl_get('f_read', $row['forum_id'])){ $topic_list[] = $row; } } return $topic_list; } function prep_exclusion_string($exclude_array){ $string = ''; for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($exclude_array); $i++){ $string .= ' AND t2.tag = \'' . $exclude_array[$i] . '\''; } return $string; } function filter_tags($tags){ $tag_array = tags_to_array($tags); $incl = array(); $excl = array(); $filtered_array = array('include' => $incl, 'exclude' => $excl); for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($tag_array); $i++){ if($tag_array[$i][0] == '-'){ array_push($filtered_array['exclude'], substr($tag_array[$i], 1)); }else{ array_push($filtered_array['include'], $tag_array[$i]); } } return $filtered_array; } function tags_to_array($string){ $str_array = array(); $qoute = false; $str_buffer = ""; $tags = html_entity_decode($string); //$tags = $string; for($i = 0; $i < strlen($tags); $i++ ) { if(($tags[$i] == '"') && $qoute === true) { $qoute = false; } else if(($tags[$i] == '"') && $qoute === false) { $qoute = true; } if($tags[$i] == ' ' && !$qoute) { //str_replace( $str_buffer = str_replace('"', '', $str_buffer); array_push($str_array, $str_buffer); $str_buffer = ""; } else { $str_buffer .= $tags[$i]; } } $str_buffer = htmlspecialchars(str_replace('"', '', $str_buffer)); array_push($str_array, $str_buffer); return $str_array; } function prepare_search_string($str_array){ global $db; $prep_str = ""; for($j = 0; $j < sizeof($str_array); $j++) { $prep_str .= "'" . $db->sql_escape($str_array[$j]) . "',"; } return substr($prep_str, 0, strlen($prep_str)-1); } ?>

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